Thursday, February 11, 2016

Episode 5 - Another Date and Matching Ceremony

Naomi: So we did it! We genuinely won the challenge….

The Hood: Yep we were very lucky if you look at the others scores…

Naomi: Yep it took some of them up to 17 clues and guesses…

The Hood: Yep we were very lucky…

Naomi: So where are we going?

The Hood: To one of the small islands…. There is a picnic spot where we can spend the day…

Naomi: Sounds awesome…

The Hood: Yep it isn’t what Joye and Tybalt had… But this boat ride makes up for it…

Naomi: Aww… I love the water and the ride around the island…  It’s really lovely…

Naomi: Did you see that volcano? I wonder if it’s still active?

The Hood: I don’t think so… The producers wouldn’t bring us here if it was…

Naomi: Hey! Why are we turning around?

The Hood: Hehe… We are going around the island to the other side… That’s where we are heading…

Naomi: Aww… Okay… I thought we’re going back…

The Hood: Hehe… Nope…  Look at the white sands…. Did you ever see something like this?

Naomi: Wow! It is awesome… Is that where we are going? *pointing to the area that looks liveable… 

The Hood: Yep… We’re here…

Naomi: Great…

Naomi: Aren’t you going to get into more comfortable clothes…?

The Hood: I will… Later…

Naomi: It’s beautiful here with a nice view on the main island…

The Hood: Are you hungry? We didn’t eat before we left the house this morning…

Naomi: Mmm… Now that you’re talking about it I am hungry… But since you are the man here, I think I will relax a bit while you make us something to eat… hehe..

The Hood: Sure, that’s fine with me… I will tell you when you can set the table for us then…

Naomi: Hehe….

The Hood: So tell me about your family… *but he didn’t get any response… Looks like Naomi fell asleep and he decides to let her sleep until he is finished…*  

He puts the umbrella up for her, so that she cant get sunburn… 

The Hood: Naomi… ! The food is almost ready… 

Naomi: Aww… I almost fell asleep….

The Hood: Haha You actually did fall asleep… Sorry for disturbing you…   

Naomi: Aww… Oops, that was rude of me to take a nap while you are doing all the work…

The Hood: Aww it’s okay… It wasn’t so much work…

Naomi: I should make a salad for us… Now we have to eat it just like this…

The Hood: It’s Fine with me really! Men don’t really like salad… We only eat it cause our moms said we have to.. Hehe..

Naomi: Haha okay…

Naomi: Mmm… It’s delicious… Compliments to the cook…

The Hood: Thank you… Can I get married now…?

Naomi: Sure… You will spoil your wife rotten…

The Hood: Haha… Maybe just the first week or two… hehe..

Naomi: Haha okay remind me not to marry you then.. Hehe..

The Hood: Sis on you! I have many other great qualities!

Naomi: Hehe, I was just joking..

Naomi: So you know this also means that we are going to the Truth Booth… Do you think we are a Perfect Match?

The Hood: I really hope so… You are amazing… 

Naomi: Thanks…

Naomi: But what if we are no match…?

The Hood: That will be disappointed but I guess we can stay friends… I really enjoy your company…

Naomi: Aww me too… You are funny and witty and…
The Hood: And…?

Naomi: *blushing* I really like spending time with you…

The Hood: But why did you tell the other girls that we guys don’t know how to choose right? What if you and I are the perfect match?

Naomi: *blushing* Aww you heard me?

The Hood: Hehe… I did… 

Naomi: Oops… *blushing again*

The Hood: So if we are a perfect match you are going to made my bed for the rest of our stay here…

Naomi: You reckon?

The Hood: Okay just the next week…

Naomi: Haha… Let’s go surf…

The Hood: That sounds fun… Let’s go…

The Hood: Aww… Check that crazy dude there…

Naomi: Where? I don’t see anyone…

The Hood: Here I am!... Hehe

Naomi: Nooooooo….. I will get you for that!!!

Naomi: Wow! Look at that monkey in that tree… He just stole our leftovers from the table…

The Hood: Where…? I don’t see any monkeys…

Naomi: This side… !

The Hood: Oh no… You got me…

The Hood: You are amazing… Do you know that? I really hope you are my Perfect Match…

Naomi: *blushing* What about a match of rock, scissors and paper?

The Hood: You are so beautiful when you’re blushing… 

Naomi: Stop it now! Scissors…

The Hood: Rock… Will you be my girlfriend?

Naomi: Paper… What if we are not a match…?

The Hood: Paper… Doesn’t matter… I like you and want to get to know you better…

Naomi: Scissors… What will the other people say?

The Hood: Scissors… I don’t care…

Naomi: But if you and me aren’t a match then you have to go out with other girls and I have to go out with other guys…

The Hood: I know… We are in this game for the money… But at least we found love… Hehe

Naomi: Aww… Let’s see what happens… Maybe we are a match after all…

The Hood: That will be awesome…! 

Naomi: It will… But it’s getting late… Let’s go back…

Naomi: Aww thank you for an awesome day! I will remember it always… 

The Hood: Aww… Thank you for you too… I will also remember this day forever and a day…   

Frankie: Okay guys and girls are you ready to see if The Hood and Naomi are a Perfect Match…

Girls: Aww….  we hope for you two that you are… *everybody could see that they are in love when they came back from their date*

Frankie: Okay just before we start I have a announcement to make… As you can see we moved from the park to this building where we did the Truth Booth previously… From now on we will do the lock in and matching ceremonies also here… And then…. The producers apologise because of an error of the previously locked in ceremony… Apparently there was a couple that didn’t lock in correctly so they didn’t show up as a match…

Everybody: What?

Frankie: Yep it means that there was another match… Joye and Tybalt wasn’t the only match last week… There was 2 matches…

Everybody: Really? Who was the other couple…?

Frankie: Sorry that I can’t tell you… Just know that there was another match last week except for Joye and Tybalt… 

Everybody: Awesome… Just a pity we don’t know who….

Frankie: Sorry… So are you ready to see if The Hood and Naomi are a match?

Everybody: Yes! We are!

Frankie: Okay let’s see…

Locking in, locking in, locking in…..

Frankie: Okay…. Are you ready…?

Everybody: Yes!

Frankie: Sorry…

Everybody: Aww noooooooo!!!!

Frankie: Okay let’s lock everybody in that we can see how many matches there are… Max and Grim… You up first…

Frankie: So do you think you are a perfect match?

Grim: Not in a million years…

Max: I believe that her hair colour and her EVUUUL name cooperate with my EVUUUUL plans. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!

Grim: You touch me and you are dead…

Frankie: Haha…. Let’s see if the producers think you are a match… Go and lock yourself in…

Frankie: Put your right hand on the machine..

Frankie: Tim and Jennifer you up next…

Frankie: Jennifer how do you feel about your new partner?

Jennifer: I was surprised when I heard that Tim wanted me as a partner. Let’s say I will give him a chance because he might be different. But the challenge was fun…

Frankie: Let’s see if you are the perfect match…

Frankie: Dion and Irma…. So Irma how do you feel about Dion?

Irma: I am a little unsure about that beard. I've never gone for a bearded guy before but he looks like a nice guy. If he tries to kiss me on the first date I'm so not accepting it!

Frankie: Okay let’s see if you are a match…

Frankie: Put your right hand on the machine…

Frankie: Oliver and Tabitha… Tabitha how do you feel with your new partner…?

Tabitha: I think he is okay…

Frankie: Okay let’s see if you are a match…  

Frankie: You know the drill… Put your hands on the machine…

Frankie: Bailyn what do you think about Adam?

Bailyn: I am so happy about this!! I was going to choose him myself but left him for Naomi because she told me she fancied the pants off him and wanted to choose him. But now he has chosen me! Yay! I have to say, I didn't want to say so before but I totally fancy the pants off him too. He seems like such a nice guy.

Frankie: Haha… Adam you better get a hold on your pants… Let’s lock you in….

Frankie: Daniela what do you think of Storm?

Daniela: I wanted to choose Storm, too. I thinks that he is nice.

Frankie: Okay let’s see if you are a match…

Frankie: Okay we know the two of you aren’t a match… How do you feel about it?

The Hood: Very disappointed but it doesn’t mean that we think that’s true…

Frankie: Haha… Okay for the purpose to see how many matches there are the two of you must also lock in… 

Frankie: Samantha what do you think about Caleb?

Samantha: I think he is cute…

Frankie: Cute? Like a bunny?

Samantha: Hehe… Yep like a bunny… Or my dragon…

Frankie: Hehe… Let’s see if you are a match…

Frankie: Put your hand on the machine…

Frankie: The leftovers… How do you feel about that…

Starr: I like the Starr Lily name together… 

Frankie: Okay let’s see if you are a match…

Frankie: Okay you are all locked in now... Let's see how many matches there are...

Lights off...

Frankie: Okay… Hopefully everybody is correctly locked in this time… Let’s see what the beams say…

Frankie: Remember Joye and Tybalt will always be the first beam…

Everybody: Yes we can’t wait… 

Frankie: Okay… Machine do your thing…

Frankie: Still nothing…..

Then finally the first beam...

Everybody when the first beam come on: Yes! Joye and Tybalt…

Frankie: Let’s see if there is more… 

But Nothing...

Everybody: Come on let there be more…

Still nothing...

Frankie: Why isn't there more?

But after a while it's only the one beam...

Frankie: Aww guys and girls it looks like there is no more new matches…

Everybody: Oh nooooo…..

Frankie: Luckily you still have 8 weeks to go and don’t have to panic yet… But start to work together… It will be nice to see more than 1 beam lit… Okay  Good night! 

Will the girls get more matches again?

Stay tuned until the next episode...

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