Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Episode 10 - Pets Think Alike

Tybalt: "Joye, we have to talk."

Joye: "Yes?"

Tybalt: "Well, you have heard about these stories of that grave, right?"

Joye: "Yup."

Tybalt: “And that means, that I will have to return to the past one day. So, my question to you is: Would you leave everything you have behind to go back with me?"

Joye: "No. I’m sorry but I can't do that to Grim, you know."

Tybalt: "I get that, yes."

Joye: "But, why can't you stay here instead?"

Tybalt: "It won't work. I have my friends and crime scene technician job back there as well. Plus, it might be dangerous."

Joye: "Oh... How come?"

Tybalt: "Well, how to put this... When it is my time to return to my time, I would be there to save a drowning child from a river for instance.. And if I never return, the kid would have drowned and the future might not be right or things that was suppose to happen will never happen.”

Joye: "Which would horribly alter life as we know it?"

Tybalt: "Exactly."

*the two sigh*

Joye: "Tybalt. I think it might be better to break up then."

Tybalt: "I agree. Lets face it, our relationship would be hopeless.“

Joye: "Indeed... But we can stay friends for the time that you are still here right?"

Tybalt: Yes friends will be better… I’m anyway more than a 100 years older than you..

Joye: Eeew! Its like dating my great great grandfather. So gross..

Tybalt: Haha, yes but at least I still look young hehe.

Joye: Haha yes. So then friends it is?

Tybalt: Definitely!

Tybalt: "I knew she wouldn't come back. The grave... There was someone buried with me. Tim didn't notice, but I did notice that I will get married later in life. Not with Joye though... It makes me realize, it's kinda freaky to know the first name of the person I'll marry later on, plus the date of my death. And I better tell nobody about the first one, especially not Joye...   But, I am very grateful that I still have a long time to go, I'll just pass away of old age... Creepy to know... But yeah, it could've been worse!"

Lily: What are you busy with?

Naomi: I’m creating a chart to see who the guys must choose to get their perfect matches…

Lily: Aww… Cool! Come show me…

Lily: So how did you work it out?

Naomi: All the grey areas are the confirmed no-matches… The blue is what I think the matches will be… And the light blue is possible matches…

Lily: Wow! That is awesome! Just hope it works out like that…

Naomi: Just hope the guys choose it like this… I’m almost sure we got all the matches here…

Lily: Mmm… By the look of it we will be very close…

Naomi: I hope so!

Lily: I still can’t believe that I’ve met my perfect match here…hehe.. Tim are really making me so happy… hehe..

Daniela: Yep… You are a lucky girl… I’m not sure I will find happiness here if Naomi’s chart are right… I can’t imagine my life with Max… He’s too evil to my liking…

Lily: Hehe… Luckily they don’t force us to get married to our matches… hehe.. But I won’t mind… hehe.. Tim is Amazing… hehe..

Daniela: Haha, you are so in Love, that you got the giggles..

Lily: I know, hehe..

Daniela: I’m happy for you…

Lily: Thanks hehe..

Daniela: Ok stop giggling please, you are making me jealous now..

Lily: Sorry, hehe, I just cant help it… im sooooo happy, hehe..

Jennifer: So you do realize that you and The Hood are history? He has chosen me… Did he tell you about the wonderful time we had on our date?

Naomi: Oh Really? He didn’t mentioned it to me…

Jennifer: Please stop running after him like a love sick puppy…

Naomi: I’m not running after him! He is a free man to do what ever he wants…

Jennifer: Good! Then we understand each other…

Samantha: This week Oliver will be your partner…

Bailyn: Really? Is he going to ask me?

Samantha: Yep! I will make sure of that…

Bailyn: Awesome! *blushing* Not that I care…

Samantha: Hehe… Tell that to the man on the moon…

Samantha: So do you want me to put a love spell on you?

Oliver: Why?

Samantha: I want you to open your eyes once and for all and ask your perfect match to be your partner…

Oliver: And who is that if I may ask?

Samantha: Bailyn! Don’t you know it?

Oliver:  I don't know why people think me and Bailyn are the perfect match. But, I think it's time she and I were paired anyway just so I can put a rest to all their errant ideas…. Are you happy now?

Samantha: Yes!

Tabitha: So who are you going to ask to be your partner for the week?

Storm: According to Naomi’s chart my perfect match can be you or your sister…

Tabitha: It’s me! I’m sure about that!

Storm: Really? I think I will ask your sister first…

Tabitha: Aww… You are making a big mistake…

Storm: Oh well… We still got 4 weeks to go… So we can afford to make mistakes…

Tabitha: Haha… You’re right… But can I ask you next time…

Storm: Sure!

Caleb: Did you know I’m Superman?

Bailyn: Hehe… Did you know I’m Superwomen?

Starr: Do you guys want to see something cool?

Starr: Watch my hand closely…

Starr: Aka-ka-dabra….

Starr: Poof!

Starr: Walla! Nice chocolate Gnomes…

Starr: And you can eat it!

Max: "Lately the group as a whole has decided to get together a whole lot more in order to solve the puzzle. Which is good, because it'll improve the odds of us winning the money, so I can complete my project for TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Irma: "Ugh, quiet please, Max! I'm getting a headache from your yelling and we already know about your stupid idiocratic ideals. >:C"

Max: "And she shall be the first one to perish after achieving my ultimate goals, because she dared to interrupt me. True EEEVUUL does not tolerate such a disrespectful attitude, and thus, she shall PAY for her deeds..."

*Max sighs annoyedly*

Max: "Now, where was I again..... Oh right, yesterday's matching ceremony was ideal. It did not only prove that I was not a match with Tabitha, which eliminates her so it directs Daniela towards me, but there were no matches additional to the confirmed ones we had already. That is telling us 2 things: 1 - we're left with unambiguous notes, which can prove themselves very useful in deduction and execution, and 2 - they have no right to claim that they're more competent at finding love than me, BECAUSE THEY HAVE PROVEN THEMSELVES COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT IN THAT ASPECT AS WELL!!!!!!!"

Irma: "Max, sheeshus!"

*Max rolls his eyes*

Max: "Who do you think you are, my mother?!?!?! ... So, that should diss her for a while... Ah, the first step of my plan. I think I can, specially for you, the audience watching this at home, including the angelic huskies, the little muffs, the storm lovers, the mummyfied eccentric singers, and all the others watching, reveal the first step of my sweet plan, my beloved plan, for taking the world... My first part of the plan, is to use my newly acquired riches to repair my tele time machine."

*insert scratching noise here*

Max: "How else did Tybalt get here, right? After I repaired it, I shall proceed with my projets and plans to take over the world, because I am, after all, true EEEEEVVUUUUUUULL!!! MWUHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Irma: "MAAAAAX!!!!!!!

Caleb: That looks nice…

Storm: Yep… Starr made it…

Caleb: Really? I didn’t know he can cook…

Storm: He made it with his Genie powers…

Caleb: Are you sure it’s edible?

Storm: The girls said it’s delicious… You can try it too…

Caleb: Okay…

Joye: *Crying* How could he?

Frankie: Why are you sitting here all alone? It’s getting dark…

Joye: Aww… I just need some time alone…

Frankie: You want to share?

Joye: No thanks…I’m Okay…

Grim was relaxing all by herself when Dion also get into the hot tub…

Dion: Mind if I join you?

Grim: You’re already in… Suite yourself…

Dion: Do you think we are a match?

Grim: What?

Dion: Lily and Naomi was working on a chart with all the matches and there it says that we could be a match… *then he quickly decides to change seats*

Grim: Hey!

Dion: Hehe… I think we can talk better if I’m next to you…

Dion: Mmm… This is heaven… So what do you think?

Grim: About what?

Dion: That we could be a match?

Grim: I don’t know… Never thought of that…

Dion: But that is why you are here to find your perfect match..

Grim: Mmm… Maybe but I….

Dion: I tell you what… I will ask you to be my partner this week… We will win the challenge and then go to the truth booth… Then we will know for sure… Deal?

Grim: Hehe… You are funny and very sure about yourself.. Haha..

Dion: So Is that a yes?

Grim: Sure… Why not? I have nothing to loose…

Dion: Awesome!

Naomi: You wanted to see me…

The Hood: Yep

Naomi: So…?

The Hood: Let’s go up to the Honeymoon suite… where we can talk in private…

Naomi: Okay..

Naomi: So what is it?

The Hood: It’s about me and you…

Naomi: So you do you have feelings for Jennifer? She told me already…

The Hood: I thought I did after our date. But me and you are an item and you are my first love and I realized that when I heard you talking to Bailyn about your time with Caleb…

Naomi: But what about Jennifer? She said you are an item now…

The Hood: I don’t know why she told you that but I can promise you nothing happened between us… 

Naomi: Are you sure?

The Hood: You can trust me… I’m not a cheater and I won’t hurt you deliberately…

Naomi: Ah that’s so sweet… 

Adam: *snoring*

Adam wakes up: "I don't know why they make us work so hard to find our perfect match. *Yawnnnn*  The sunshine makes me so sleepy.  And everyone knows Beyonce is my perfect match, anyway.  Well, either her or Britney.  Ahhh...Britney...back to my dream."

*Falls asleep again*

The following morning…

Frankie: Come on in ladies and gentleman…

Max: I’m not a gentleman, I’m an Evul man! Bhahaha!

Jennifer: Oh shut up Max! We all know this all ready!

Frankie: Today’s challenge is ‘Think Alike’… Let’s see if you and your partner can think the same…

Frankie: Every couple will have a path to the middle… You will see a picture of two minor pets on the big screen behind me with a ‘A’ or a ‘B’… We programmed your phones that it will connect with the beams in the middle… Both of you will choose ‘A’ or ‘B’…

Frankie: When you both choose the same picture the beam in your lane will lit up… And you can move one space forward…  If it doesn’t lit up it means you didn’t choose the same picture and you have to stay where you are… Do you understand?

Everybody: Yep!

Frankie: Okay… Everyone get yourself a spot!

Lily: Is this going to take long? I’m getting tired just looking at you guys struggling to find a spot..

Lily: Ok it’s looking better… Not great… but better…

Lily: At last they found a spot! Thank goodness! I was losing hope.. Hehe.. Not..

Frankie: Oh I forgot to mention that you got “cops” behind you to make sure you guys doesn’t cheat… Hehe… Are you ready to start?

Max: Yes! I’m ready to take over the world!

Daniela: I’m ready too… I think….

Caleb: I hope I’m ready… 

Naomi: Sure! Let’s start!

Oliver: Let’s do it!

Bailyn: I’m ready!

Samantha: I’m feeling good about this!

Storm: Yep! Go for it!

Dion: Okay let’s show them we can win this!

Grim: Are you sure? 

Dion: Yep! 100%

Irma: I’m ready!

Starr: Me too! Let’s begin!

Tabitha: I’m watching you… 

Adam: Don’t worry… I can’t hide anywhere!

Frankie: Okay guys and girls your first picture… Do you like ‘A’ a Parakeet or ‘B’ a Chameleon….

Everybody is typing in their choice…

Tybalt is standing so still that he looks like a dead corpse… Oh wait… He is dead already… Oops.. Hehe..

Naomi: Come on.... Baby needs a new pair of shoes…!

Lorena: Playing cop is really boring..

Grim: You can always go and take a nap.. We won’t cheat.. Hehe..

Lorina: Haha, very funny..

Jennifer is wondering how she can slip away unnoticed to go get something to eat… Mmm a burger and chips would be nice now…

Daniela is wondering… What will the evul Max choose…. Mmm… What to choose?

Alleen: Why are you two grinning like you stole something and got away with it?

Lily: Don’t worry Alleen, I promise I am checking there every move…

Alleen: Okay just checking.. Hehe..

Frankie: Okay let’s see how you did…

Frankie: Starr and Irma got the same… You can go one space forward….

Samantha and Storm…

Caleb and Naomi

Dion and Grim

And Max and Daniela

Frankie: Sorry Oliver and Bailyn and Adam and Tabitha didn’t get the same…

They: Aww man!

Frankie: Your next picture… ‘A’ Agama Lizard or ‘B’ Pygmy Hedgehog

Tabitha: Ooh… we have to get it right this time…

Joye: Shut up! I’m in a bad mood! So don’t try me!

Tabitha: Sorry Cop Joye.. Oops. Hehe..

Adam: Haha.. Good one Tabitha.. Hehe..

Joye just looks away, rolls her eyes and decides that she didn’t hear there remarks..

Oliver: Mmmm… I like the…

Jennifer: Oliver please.. You know the rules!

Frankie: Okay let’s see…

Frankie: Adam and Tabitha can move forward…

Dion and Grim…

Max and Daniela

Starr and Irma…

Frankie: Starr and Irma don’t forget to go forward… Our next picture… ‘A’ Bluebird and ‘B’ a Squirrel

Bailyn: Let us get the same… Let us get the same… 

Jennifer: Don’t even think of it!

Bailyn: I didn’t do anything…

Jennifer: But I hear you Bailyn…

Bailyn: Yes but I’m Only talking to myself…

Jennifer: Agh I give up..

Naomi: Come on… we need to go to the truth booth…

Samantha: I love the… 

Tybalt: Ssjoess…

Samantha: Sorry…

Frankie: Okay… 

Starr and Irma got the same…

Tabitha and Adam

Samantha and Storm

Caleb and Naomi

Dion and Grim

Oliver and Bailyn can finally move…

And Max and Daniela…

Frankie: Good Job, guys! Everybody got it right this time…!

Frankie: Next picture… ‘A’ Lilac Breasted Roller or ‘B’ Ancient Dragon

Bailyn: Let’s hope we get it right now every time… 

Dion: We’re doing well… Just keep going…

Lorena: You have to keep quiet…

Daniela: Mmm… 

Starr: Who to choose… Who to choose… They both cute…

Lily: Oh.. Yawn.. This is really boring.. I don’t think I’m gonna make it..

Irma: Haha, you are funny Lily… We are doing all the work and you are falling asleep.. Hehe..

Lily: I’m just tired.. Me and Tim had a late night hehe.. 

Starr: Please girls I’m hearing more than I want to.. So please Lily go take a nap so Irma can get her head back in the game please…

Irma: Haha… Ok I’m back…

Frankie: Okay lets see how you did…

Caleb and Naomi…

Caleb: Yes!

Dion and Grim…

Oliver and Bailyn

Max and Daniela

Frankie: Aww… Looks like not everybody got it right…

Frankie: Picture number 5… ‘A’ Western Painted Turtle or ‘B’ Iguana

Tabitha: I think you let us loose on purpose…

Adam: Oh man… I just put in what I like… 

Joye: Stop talking you two…

Oliver: I definitely like the…..  red head behind me… hehe

Jennifer: Watch it!

Storm: What do you like?

Tybalt: Hey!

Storm: Sorry…

Frankie: Okay… Times up…

Starr and Irma

Adam and Tabitha

Samantha and Storm

Caleb and Naomi

Dion and Grim

Frankie: And no one else… Sorry…

Frankie: Next Picture… ‘A’ Spiny Turtle or ‘B’ Chinchilla

Everybody is typing in their choices…

Frankie: Okay let’s see…

Max and Daniela

Dion and Grim

Frankie: And that’s it! No more…

Frankie: Next picture… ‘A’ Gecko or ‘B’ Goldfinch

Dion: Yes! We’re doing good! So far we got them all right!

Oliver: Please let us think alike…

Bailyn: I have a good feeling bout this one..

Jennifer: What don’t you understand by NO TALKING?

Bailyn: Oops, I just can’t help it..hehe..

Frankie: Okay let’s see…

Caleb and Naomi…

Dion and Grim

Oliver and Bailyn

Max and Daniela

Star and Irma

Frankie: And that’s it for this round…

Frankie: Picture number 8… ‘A’ a Scarlet King Snake or ‘B’ a Wormrat 

Max: Almost there… 

Daniela: Do you think we are a match…?

Tim: You guys have to stop talking…

Irma: Mmm… A snake and a wormrat are both gross…

Adam: Awesome I love a ….
Joye: Keep quiet…!

Naomi and Caleb type their choices in…

Frankie: Okay let’s see your results…

Dion and Grim

Max and Daniela

Tabitha and Adam…

Frankie: And that is all for this round…

Frankie: Picture 9… ‘A’ Mini Python Snake or ‘B’ Pygmy Komodo Dragon

Everybody is typing in their choices…

Frankie: Okay… 

Caleb and Naomi

Dion and Grim

Oliver and Bailyn…

Max and Daniela

Starr and Irma

Frankie: And that was that!

Frankie: Last picture… ‘A’ Chipmunk or ‘B Cardinal 

Grim: The last one… We needn’t to fail this one… 

Dion: Yep… Then we end up in a tie with Max and Daniela…

Lorena: Quiet you two…

Bailyn: Let’s have this one right…

Max: Come on! Let’s do it!

Starr: Can’t we move two spaces with this one?

Lily: No, Sorry…

Adam: Beyonce or Britney?

Storm: Are you sure we aren’t a match?

Samantha: Yep! I think you and my sister are a match…

Tybalt: If you two say another word I will take you back to the past with me!

Samantha: Hmff

The Hood: Quick! I closed my eyes…..

*Naomi shows Caleb her answer* (not really)

Frankie: Okay let’s see how you did…

Caleb and Naomi

Dion and Grim

Max and Daniela

Starr and Irma

Frankie: And that’s the end of the challenge!

Frankie: And we got a winner!

Frankie: Dion and Grim made it to the middle…

The Date:

The next morning…

Dion: Are you sure you didn’t want to go to one of the beaches or the parks…?

Grim: Yep… Those places are to crowded to my liking… This place is awesome…

Dion: I really know just the place where we can go…

Grim: The grave yard?

Dion: You want to go there?

Grim: Didn’t I tell you I’m working at one back home?

Dion: Really? If you want to go to the local graveyard we can go there…

Grim: That will be awesome… But first show me the place where you want to take me…

Dion: Okay…

Grim: What do you want to do at an empty house?

Dion: Do you see the balcony?

Grim: Yeah…. *looking at him* You want me to go up there?

Dion: Yeah… Didn’t you tell me you also like Shakespeare?

Grim: When did I tell you that?

Dion: I can swear you did… Hehe… So will you go up there?

Grim: So how do I get up there? I’m sure the house is locked…

Dion: No it isn’t… I’ve got a key from the Realty Estates.. I told them I’m interested in buying the house and want to look at it…

Grim: Haha… Clever! Okay let me go up there… *taking the key from him*

Grim: O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.

Dion:[Aside] Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? 

Dion: Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear that tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops

Grim: O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.

Dion: What shall I swear by?

Grim: Do not swear at all… Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, which is the god of my idolatry, and I'll believe thee.

Dion: If my heart's dear love

Grim: Hehe… Enough of this… Let’s go to the playground… *running down the stairs…*

Dion: Thanks for doing that with me… And might I say you are actually very good!

Grim: Hehe… Thanks… 

Dion: Will you come and watch me when I’m doing a show?

Grim: Mmm… Maybe…

Dion: It will be fun!

Grim: Yep but too crowded…

Dion: Aww then I will have to give you a private show…  You wanna go for a swim?

Grim: You are quick…

Dion: Jump in! The water are very refreshing… 

Grim: Mmm… It’s actually very nice here… Especially since here are no other people around..

Dion: So get in! What are you waiting for? 

Grim: Are you sure the water isn’t cold?

Dion: If you don’t get in now then I will get out and throw you in!

Grim: Okay! Okay! I’m in…

Dion: That’s great… 

Grim: Let’s have a breath contest…

Dion: Deal! I bet you I will win…

Grim: Haha… Not in a million years!

And down they go…

But Grim came up first so Dion win the contest…

Dion: I told you so!

Grim: Aww… Okay…

Dion: So will we go back? Or do you still wanna go to the graveyard?

Grim: Let’s do it another time… I’m sure my sister will get worried about me if we stay away longer…

The Next day…

Frankie: Okay are you ready to see if Dion and Grim are a match?

Everybody: Yes! 

Locking…. Locking…. Locking….

Everybody: Yes! They are!

After everybody is locked in…

Frankie: Do you guys and girls think there is more matches?

Starr: I'm going to guess a total of 7

Samantha: Seven New Matches! Plus Three Old Matches! Equals Ten Perfect Matches!

Frankie: That will be nice! Let’s see if you are right…

Joye and Tybalt

Tim and Lily

The Hood and Jennifer

Frankie: Dion and Grim….   Will there be more?

Everybody: Yes! Another one!

Frankie: And another one… Wow! You girls and guys rock!

Everybody: Awesome!

Frankie: Incredible! Can you take it to 10 perfect matches?

Frankie: Aww… Somewhere you turned 2 matches around!

Everybody: Wow! That’s awesome!

Frankie: Okay guys and girls… You’re nearly there! If you can work out who are the perfect matches you can end it next week! 

Everybody: That will be awesome!

Max: Are we getting extra money if we get 10 matches before the 10 weeks are over?

Frankie: Maybe… I will find out … Good Night!

Will next week produce 10 Perfect Matches?

Stay tuned until next episode!

1 comment:

  1. Very entertaining!!! I will be sad when this is over, but excited for your next seasons! We've done so well!
